Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Canadian Decision Making Model For Personnel Selection
Running head: PERSONNEL SELECTION 1 The Canadian Decision Making Model for Personnel Selection Tiffany Leaf Walden University Author Note This paper was prepared for PSYC 8705, taught by Professor Dr. Leanna Parker PERSONNEL SELECTION 2 According to London and Bray 1980 as cited in Beresoff, (2003) although some situations may be constructed by the employer, the psychologist perceives and interprets the situation with restrictions that he or she believes contribute to an ethical practice. On the other hand, tests given for one†¦show more content†¦For instance, APA (2002) guidelines state that standard procedures in evaluations should include a clear explanation to the examinee of the evaluation process that include direct and honest answers to the test questions. Moreover, the psychologists obligations to the employer include providing accurate expectations for evaluative procedures, and respecting the employer s rights. On this basis, they are to provide high quality information for personnel decisions that are reliable and valid. The fact that the counselor did not catch the examinee in the act does not release him or her from the obligation to follow ethical procedures. For example, if the co unselor strongly suspects that the student is being dishonest, and the Civil Service Agency is his or her PERSONNEL SELECTION 3 client, a question emerges how will the counselor convey this information to the client without also engaging in dishonesty? Based on APA ethical guidelines the following guidelines apply: (a) Standard 5.01a states that psychologists do not knowingly make public statements that are false, deceptive, or fraudulent concerning their research, practice, or other work activities or those of persons or organizations with which they are affiliated.
Monday, May 18, 2020
Hum/114 University of Phoenix Material Essay - 687 Words
Gregory Jenkins Hum/114 11/29/11 JAVONNA DANIELS Critical Thinking and Creative Problem Solving The reader has chosen Media Violence as his topic: Media violence promotes violent behavior is a problem. (1).The problem is that in the last four decades, the government and the public health amassed an impressive body of evidence identifying the impact of media violence on children. Since 1969, when President [Lyndon] Johnson formed the National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence, the body of data has effectively grown and grown and it leads to an unambiguous and virtually unanimous conclusion: media violence contributes to†¦show more content†¦Than you have article two in which its strong point of view on how media violence is being exaggerated, now we have argument that no one can agree on, we have two different points of view if the party can not agree on finding the solution to this problem than it will always be an issue. (3).The reader believes the credibility of the sources is very much strong, because both articles gave many resources and data in which you may go find for yourself to see if indeed the facts are the facts, they also have cited were they got their information. They got books to further your reader too. (4). The first step is to work out the details, the second step is to finding imperfections and complication. Working out the details means to determine exactly how your solution will be applied. The reader next step will be to check for common kinds of imperfections. How can the reader get people to see his point of view, that’s one solution? Be very clear when making his argument. The reader resolution to the topic is to first get all parties to agree on the subject at hand which is media violence and what we can do to fix this problem, we know this was an issue at first than it became a problem, because the parties could not come to an agreement. (5).The reader will focus on his own ideas in which he knows because of the research that was done by him. The second safeguard is to use his ego to advantage.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Racism Racism And Racism - 2024 Words
Racism in the Justice System Abstract: The goal of this archival research study is to identify the deep rooted prejudice and racism that has been perpetuated in our criminal justice system since it was created. Our justice system creates an unfair racial hierarchy that has and continues to criminalize Black Americans due to the color of their skin. I will be analyzing the Reagan administration, the War on Drugs, corrupt police practices, media, and sentencing in order to reveal if racism and unfair treatment of Black Americans in the criminal justice system is in fact occurring. Introduction: The criminal justice system is defined as the set of agencies and processes established by governments to control crime and impose penalties on those who violate laws. This is a socioeconomic system that governs our social interaction and essentially our lives. This system is supposed to be implemented equally for all people, however, it has fallen short. For example, the number of black offenders and white offenders are the same, yet the number of Black offenders jailed versus white offenders nearly sextuples. The criminal justice system creates and perpetuates a racial hierarchy in the United States, and has done so since its inception. Black Americans are criminalized and targeted because of their skin color. This being said, I propose a deeper analysis of the Reagan administration, the War on Drugs, corrupt police practices, media, and sentencing in order to reveal if racism andShow MoreRelatedRacism : Racism And Racism1544 Words  | 7 PagesTo understand whethe r or not racism is learnt, we first have to divulge into the nature of racism. It is usually assumed that racism has been a part of civilisation since civilisation started, that it is embedded into how people work and that no matter what, it will always exist. Another assumption is that racism derives from the capitalism of the slave trade by white elitist men seeking to dehumanize people for economic gain, and used racism as a way to mask their financial motives to justify enslavementRead MoreRacism : Racism And Racism1003 Words  | 5 Pagesracism: Racism-â€Å"the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.†Imagine, 5 black men. Singing a church song still faithful for hope. Chained and cuffed together. Flies follow them as they walk by in the dry hot desert. With the white oppressor behind them yelling nasty words that poison their brain. Yet they still sing and wait and keep faith. In some statesRead MoreRacism : Racism And Racism1751 Words  | 8 PagesRacism Social Justice Topic Issue Corbin Metz H R – 3013 University of Oklahoma Racism Social Justice Topic Issue Today in our society, racism is a very popular social justice topic issue, which affects many of the lives of those around us on a daily basis. Individuals as well as organizations and institutions widely commit the act of racism and these issues are embedded in their policies, procedures, and practices (Calgary). The first signs of racism beginning to arise in the worldRead MoreRacism : Racism And Racism953 Words  | 4 PagesRacism in America â€Å"Racism is a refuge for the ignorant. It seeks to destroy. It is the enemy of freedom, and it deserves to be met head-on and stamped out.†- Pierre Berton Racism is the unjust hate for any people who are simply different for a various array of reasons. It is all around us and always will be, but that does not give us the right to be passive on the subject. This discrimination against culturally diverse people is hurting our â€Å" land of the free†, one racist remark at a time.Read MoreRacism : Racism And Racism1181 Words  | 5 PagesThis issue of racism is popular by name but tends to be sugar coated by the way people see it. In order to truly understand racism you need to take a bite into the topic in order to get a taste of what it is really like. Racism comes in many different forms and can be seen many different ways. But why even care about racism at all? Why does it even matter? One would think that with such a harsh background regarding racism in America it would no longer exist in society today. But sadly that is notRead MoreRacism : Racism And Racism1971 Words  | 8 PagesRacism has come to be a very important topic in today’s society. Many are talking about the injustices when it comes mostly when it comes to African-Americans and Caucasians in authority. Many have deemed the incidents of Trayvon Martin, Freddie Gray, Sandra Bland, Walter Scott, Akai Gurley, Tamir Rice, the Spring Valley High School video, and even the Charleston Shooting to name a few as reactions to racism. Out of the people talking about these events, only a few really know the meaning of racismRead MoreRacism : Racism And Racism989 Words  | 4 PagesRacism in America Racism discrimination has been one of our society’s most horrible social problems. In the words of the famous Martin Luther King judging an individual by the color of their skin rather than the content of their character can be a very dehumanizing experience that can have lasting effects on an individual life. Racism in America has not come to a cease. Racism promotes negative personal relations between people of different cultures. I believe slavery started around the 1500sRead MoreRacism : Racism And Racism2243 Words  | 9 PagesRacism, a topic which has become especially touchy in modern times. It is quite clear that racism is alive not only in the United States, but across the globe. Though the topic is widely talked about, nobody really does anything to stop it. People will be quick to elaborate on the fact that it should be stopped, then make no changes themselves. Yet do they truly understand the concepts of racism and what it really means to be racist? Granted everybody understands that it is racist to hate a groupRead MoreRacism : Racism And Racism996 Words  | 4 PagesCovert Racism Introduction Racism; ‘the belief that races have distinctive cultural characteristics determined by hereditary factors and that this endows some races with an intrinsic superiority over others’ (Collins English Dictionary 2012) and thus leading to ‘abusive or aggressive behaviour towards members of another race on the basis of such a belief’ (Collins English Dictionary 2012). Over time, racism has transformed from a blatant and overt form into a passive style of prejudice and discriminationRead MoreRacism : Racism And Racism1094 Words  | 5 PagesRacism has been an issue that has caused controversial debates for years. It is a topic that stirs up lots of emotions within people and continues to be an argument for all. When there has been a shooting between a white and a colored or a cop and a colored person, people blame it on racism. They state that since the white cop shot the black man it simply means the cop was racist. Then the people want to speak that justice needs to be served and the cop needs to be put in prison or released from
Comparative Study Different Cryptographic â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Comparative Study Different Cryptographic? Answer: Introducation WiMax is an emerging wireless broadband technology established on IEEE 802.16 standard that serves both fixed and mobile networks as an alternative for cable and DSL (Alzaabi, Ranjeeth, Alukaidey, Dr Salman, 2013). WiMAX technology infrastructure is usually set up with base stations mounted by service providers to install the technology; and receivers, mounted by clients to receive wireless signals. Like any other wireless operations, WiMAX encrypts data transmission by deploying several encryption standards including triple 3DES, an improvement of Data Encryption Standard (DES), Rivest Shamir Adlemen (RSA) and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). RSA was developed in 1977, 3DES in 1978 while AES was developed in 2000. RSA is a public key algorithm because it uses two keys pairs to encrypt and decrypt the message hence it uses an asymmetric block cipher. Both 3DES and AES use symmetric block cipher. In terms of power consumption, RSA consumes a lot of power while AES and 3DES are low on power consumption. AES is more secure, followed by 3DES and RSA has low security. Table1 below summarizes the differences and some similarities between the three encryption algorithms (Verma, Guha, Mishra, 2016). Encryption Standard Developed by Block size Key Size Cipher type No. of rounds Speed Security RSA Rivest, Shamir and Adlemen in 1977. 512bits 1024bits Asymmetric block 0 Slow Least secure 3DES IBM in 1978 64bits 56, 112, 168 bits Symmetric block 48 Moderate More secure than DES because it performs the DES algorithm 3X AES NIST in 2000 128bits 128, 192, 256bits Symmetric block 10,12,14 Fast Most Secure WPAN Technologies WPAN technologies are personal area networks that connect computing devices near each other for example in a room without cable. There are various WPAN advances such as Bluetooth and Z-wave technologies. Z Wave WPAN Z-Wave was released in 2004 and is awirelesstransmission standard used mainly forhome devices automation. It uses a mesh topology network and to transmits data from one device to another using low-energy radio waves. It can be applied in security systems, lighting control systems, thermostats, locks, windows, and garage door openers. Z- Wave is simpler and cheaper to install compared to ZigBee (SmartHome, 2017). Security Issues The most pressing challenge for computing networks is maintain data and information security. According to (ABR, 2017) Z-Wave can security problems including the following Radio waves jamming. Since it is a wireless standard, signals can suffer a jamming attack such as interference and blocking. When radio jamming happens, data transmission cannot occur for the devices in the network making it inefficient. Platform security weakness. Z-Wave is still an emerging technology, its security are therefore in development. Device hacking. Since Z-Wave supports the Internet of Things technology that aims to interconnect objects together, it is prone to hacker device attacks. Internet of Things is also a developing technology. Bluetooth WPAN Bluetoothis awirelessstandard used to create both mobile and fixed personal area networks between devices in short range distances using radio waves. Security issues Like other wireless communications, Bluetooth is vulnerable to network attacks including the following(SansInsitute, 2003) It is very easy for attackers to personify and eavesdrop on communication in a Bluetooth setup. The technology uses devices that have little security features and do not have enhanced authentication security features and can therefore provide easy intrusion to the network. Person in the middle attack. Since it uses a hopping mechanism, it is easy to intercept data communication in a Bluetooth network setup. Denial of service attack. Bluetooth networks signals are prone to radio signals denial of service attack making them inefficient. Energy harvesting: A reflection To lay ground on energy harvesting critical reflection according to the two papers, I would like to first introduce the concept of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). WSNs are wireless networks comprising of spatially dispersed independent devices using sensors to monitor physical or environmental conditions. They are applied in health monitoring, area monitoring, natural disaster prevention, forest fire detections, resource monitoring, home devices automation and more. The most important thing in a WSN is energy for the nodes in the network. They need constant energy to be able to perform their functions. To achieve this, energy harvesting is important. It is the concept of obtaining thermal, kinetic, wind, solar energy for WSN devices. Looking at some of the recent advances in technology such as the Internet of Things, energy harvesting will increasingly develop in future. It is therefore important to perform energy harvesting in order to sustain WSNs. Both authors agree on the fact that WSNs network need to be constantly supplied with energy for efficiency and continued operation. For instance, a WSN that has been set up in the middle of a forest to detect a forest fire would be of no help if the nodes are depleted on battery power. It is important to measure the required energy levels of a WSN before seeking to harvest the energy for its use. Ambient energy resources may not be enough to provide the needed energy and external sources may be called for. Energy harvesting will be very crucial for the development and sustainability of wireless communication standards in future. It is thus important to evaluate energy sources and implement procedure to facilitate the developments. Technology is increasingly changing and enhancing our lives. Energy harvesting is an emerging technology that will improve wireless communication standards especially WSNs. It will enable their efficiency and sustainability, as well as help conserve other energy resources. Digital Cellular Handsets A digital cellular handset is a mobile device that can receive both audio and digital data, process it and transmit it in form of radio waves (TechTarget, 2017). Benefits of using cellular handsets for Telestra Cellular handsets have become very popular in use for organizations because of great features such as portability and Internet access. Cellular handsets are more convenient to use than notebook computers because they provide hands-free options such as headsets, Bluetooth enabled, can use extra batteries, and portable charging devices. Small cellular handsets also features including text messaging capabilities unlike notebooks, have a call sim cards, GPS positioning, digital camera and more. For Telestra, suing digital cellular handsets will provide the following benefits Business productivity. Using cellular phones to work will improve business processes and therefore overall business productivity. Improved customer experience. Since technicians will be able to access company system in the field, they will be able to provide customers with better updated responses hence enhancing customer experience Quick system updates. Technicians will be able to update company data in the field as they work which will ensure the company is working with updated information Less errors. Instant work updates will lessen the errors brought about by using pen and paper technology and improve business policies References ABR. (2017, September 20). Introduction to the Z-Wave Security Ecosystem. Management from sigma designs: Alzaabi, M., Ranjeeth, K., Alukaidey, T., Dr Salman, K. (2013). SECURITY ALGORITHMS FOR WIMAX. International Journal of Network Security Its Applications (IJNSA), 31-32. SansInsitute. (2003, September 20). Bluetooth And Its Inherent Security Issues. Retrieved from SmartHome. (2017, August 20). What is Z-Wave? Retrieved from smart home: TechTarget. (2017, September 21). cellular telephone (mobile telephone). Retrieved from Marketing : Verma, A., Guha, P., Mishra, S. (2016). Comparative Study of Different Cryptographic. International Journal of Emerging Trends Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS), 58-60.
Diversity Program Plan-Free-Samples for Students-Myassignmenthelp
Questions: 1.Formulate your own definition of Diversity Management. 2.Prepare a diversity Program Plan for New Employees (diverse culture). 3.Please provide an example of a situation when you had to exercise your leadership skills to help resolve a conflict between two diverse Colleagues or subordinates. Answers: 1.Diversity management refers to the strategies that are responsible for the use of the practices that have been deemed to be the best with the provision of the best results. These strategies aid in the discovery and the creation of the diversity and the inclusiveness in the workplace. The successful strategies are known to link the business results with the progress in the diversity in the concerned workplace (Olsen Martins, 2012). Diversity in the place of work refers to the coming together of the people belonging to the different age groups, ethnic backgrounds and religious groups to form a productive and the cohesive unit at the concerned workplace. A business organization must have the ability to utilize and manage the diversity within the organization in an effective manner. Thus, diversity management might be defined as the initiatives undertaken by the business concern in order to include the total number of the employees of the concern in all the programs and the social networks that exist within the organization. The organizations that aim at achieving global relevance must take into consideration the impact of the diverse workforce of the organization on the ability of the employees to solve problems, bring about innovations and bring about the cultivation of the diversified markets (Wrench, 2014). 2.The goal of the management of the diversity in an organization is the enabling of the all the employees of the concern so that they may reach their topmost potential while pursuing the mission of the organization. The business concern must be committed towards following the enlisted objectives. The creation of a diverse, dedicated and a talented workforce. The education of the workforce regarding the principles of the management of diversity Improvisation of the communication throughout the concerned organization. Motivation of the employees to attain their correspondent highest potentials Providing the encouragement to the employees so that they may offer their suggestions and views towards the achievement of the organizational and the program goals without the retribution threats. The individual differences should be appreciated and respected by the management of the concerned organization. There should be an inclusive approach should be created and the maintained towards all the policies, systems and the practices of the concerned organization. The best and the most qualified applicants should be employed for the job at hand irrespective of the age, gender, race, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, disability and other such non-merit factors. The leaders of the concerned organization should be held responsible for leading the change, fostering the desired behaviors among the employees (, 2017). They should also be held responsible for the following activities. The policies, the practices and the systems that are followed by the concerned organization are supportive of the vision of the concerned organization and respond to the changes that take place within the organization. The workplace is inclusive in nature. The operations of the concerned organization are inclusive of the management of the principles of diversity within the organization. The employees of the organization also play a very important role in the management of the diversities that exist within the organization. The role of the employees in the management of diversities within a given organization are enlisted below. The employees must be supportive of the principles that are employed in the management of the diversity in the concerned organization. The employees must respect each other irrespective of the similarities and the differences on the basis of the views, backgrounds and styles that exist between them. The employees must participate fully in the efforts made by the concerned organization in order to promote the greater organizational efficiency and effectiveness through the implementation of the principles that are employed in the management of the diversity within an organization (Lauring, 2013). The current environment of the United States reveal that there are lesser distinctions that are based on the race or the gender of an employee. It is often noticed that the firms do not share the actual diversity data of their employees. According to the surveys that were conducted all over the country, there were twelve companies of Fortune 500 that had appeared on the list of the 50 Best Workplace For Diversity. This survey had pointed out the fact that the employees of these organizations felt comfortable at their workplace and as a result rated their respective employers highly on the grounds of morale, favoritism, feeling of inclusion and representation (, 2017). Goals and Measures of the diversity plan Goal 1 Recruitment of the diverse employees at all the levels. Outcome Measure Diversity in the hiring system would prove beneficial for the concerned company as well as be in accordance to the laws of the state. Goal 2 The development and the retention of the employees of the diverse backgrounds through the promotion of the environment that respects the existing differences. Outcome Measures The retention rate of the concerned organization would compare favorably with the external rates of retention. The results of the employee satisfaction survey would prove to be favorable for the total workforce of the concerned organization. Goal 3 The increment of the diversity in the senior and the managerial employees of the concerned organization. Outcome Measures The consistency with the applicable laws are maintained in following this goal. This would also lead to the representation of the women and the minorities in the senior and the managerial positions of the concerned organization. 3.I had faced a similar situation of the diversity conflict in my workplace. There had been a situation between two of my subordinates regarding the issue of their genders and their placements in the organizational hierarchy. The issue grew out of proportion when an announcement regarding the upcoming vacancy was declared within the organization. This was an internal promotional issue. The nomination list of the members included both the subordinates of mine. Thus, the issues between them increased ten-fold and it became necessary for me to intervene in the matter in order to resolve the issue. The male subordinate of mine nurtured the view that the managerial position against which the vacancy had been declared should be offered to him. He felt that the female colleague of his should not be promoted to the managerial position as she could not do justice to the role due to the fact that she was a female member of the organization and could not establish her authority over the other m ale subordinate members. I had to intervene in this matter and to resolve the issue I had arranged for a meeting with both of them regarding the issue. I had a discussion with both the conflicting parties and involved a representative in the meeting as well. In this case, the male member involved in the conflict was blinded by the gender difference that existed between him and his female colleague. This kind of situations may be avoided by implementing a mandatory hiring test that the candidates need to take before they can qualify to be interviewed by the officials of the human resource team of the company. The results of these tests should be completely devoid of any kind of bias that may exist within the recruiting members of the organization. The performance of the employees should be rated annually so as to ensure that the decisions of the managers regarding the pay and the promotion of their subordinate employees are unbiased and fair (Dobbin Kalev, 2016). The best employees of the organization must be identified and rewarded on the basis of their performance in the organization. The diversity in the organization must be promoted and there should not be any bias among the employees of the organization on the basis of their race, c aste, creed, sex or gender. References Dobbin, F., Kalev, A. (2016).Why Diversity Programs Fail.Harvard Business Review. Retrieved 30 November 2017, from (2017).Only 3% Of Fortune 500 Companies Share Full Diversity Data.Fortune. Retrieved 30 November 2017, from Lauring, J. (2013). International diversity management: Global ideals and local responses.British Journal of Management,24(2), 211-224. Olsen, J. E., Martins, L. L. (2012). Understanding organizational diversity management programs: A theoretical framework and directions for future research.Journal of Organizational Behavior,33(8), 1168-1187. (2017) Retrieved 30 November 2017, from Wrench, J. (2014). Diversity management.Routledge International Handbook of Diversity Studies, 254.
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